
Posts uit 2017 tonen

Great memories with sound

Our fine and special memories

9th - 14th of March: crew was flying in and preparing the boat for the crossing

On Thursday  came Roland, Eric and Frenk. On Friday arrived Kees. In the following days the JR will turn over in a mass. My crew is controlling every piece and corner of JR while i was carrying for Jan and driving around to hospital and shops. The good thing is that they know the boat very well.

8th of March Jan arrives for a short stay

What must be a nice short visit , turned into a hospital visit for 3 days because of a pneumonia. Finally everything went right, so Jan flied back to Belgium on the  14th while we were starting our crossing.

A-Shore story

So much for Kalima, Lava, heavy winds and wonderfull people, Cesar Manrique and a few places where food was great and the staff always welcomming. Goodbye Lanzarote, we’ll be back! After a 5 day stay at the very professional Rubicon Varadero (with special thanks to ) I could welcome the crew I choose for crossing to mainland Spain. And what a crew it turned out to be! Frenk, the undefinable one extraordinaire, who catered us, who was the realiable second hand to everybody in everything mostly while telling the most unreliable stories (who, as he mentioned at the end of each story, were all about 20% true) The guardian of high spirits and a million laughs, Frenk, womaniser, good karma guy or in brief ‘Amsterdammer’; Roland, the one that turned out to be my second in command, who turned the boat completely inside out before leaving and along the way ‘improved’ some things here and there. He can be decribed as the reliable one with a slight touch of neurotic competitiveness on my

Pictures SY John Rensen after works

After 5 days work, the result is indeed surprising. Skipper Soraya learnt a lot on the warf and is very pleased. Top team on this warf.

27th February - 3 th of March: SY JR will be taken out of the water for 4-5 days

Following works will be done on the varadero of Rubicon : onderwaterschip + antifoiling 16u : cleaning untherwater ship and antifoiling Polishen 20u Sb raam 4u Kleine gelcoat herstellingen 2u: little gelcoat repairs Elekt prob 2u already solved Plaatsen victron inverter 1600W 12V 4u installing inverter close to main batteries Replacing Wc set Jabsco vooraan 1u : replace Jabsco set in the front bathroom Replace all sea cocks Boegschroef propellers 1u : cleaning propellers bow thruster Roer : check the ruther Check ais signal Yanmar motorcontrol; maintenance already done in december 2016 Brandblusser , dieselfilters, impeller en oliefilter yanmar Boiler checken Nood helmstok Verstagingknipper Vuurpijlen of ledlamp Inventaris maken Bunker lijst Bemanningslijst Grapbag Metaal restorer aanbrengen Eerstehulpkoffer Iridiumtelefoon testen vanaf 1 maart en laptop configuratie iridium Ankertest Nieuwe vlaggelijn Alle lijnen gewassen Contole giek, mast en verstaging

23 th of February 2017

Finally back to the boat with a sail plan to the Medditerean Sea. Today i fly to Lanzarote and embark in Marina Rubicon where our JR is having her berth at this moment. In the next 8 days i will prepare, together with other  people, our SY on the varadero of Rubicon.